15 March 2010

"You need a hobby."

A lot of great things happen when you take an already successful television show and convert it to a reality show. Example 1: The OC turned into Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (which then turned into The Hills and The City). Example 2: Desperate Housewives turned into The Real Housewives series on Bravo.

I enjoy the Real Housewives of New York City for several reasons. First of all, I can tell the difference between them, which was not always the case with those blonde hourglass gals over at the OC. I love that most of these women in NYC have actual jobs (although now that they are all “celebrities,” they each feel the need to write their own books and jewelry lines). And, not to betray my hometown location….but I just enjoy east coast snobs so much more than west coast snobs.

It’s hardly a complex plotline to follow, so I’ll just give a few of my reactions:
  • These housewives are grown ass women, ages: Jill (46), Bethenny (39), Luann (44), Alex (36), Kelly (41), and Ramona (53)---who would have thought that Ramona was the oldest?? But what really gets to me is that these women are gossiping and picking teams and doing speaker-phone attacks the way I did…in middle school. Maybe I’m clueless and my mom and her friends were just better at hiding it? But then again, my mom never posed for Playboy or stood naked on a skyscraper for a PETA ad.

  • Bethenny, Bethenny, Bethenny. You were my faaaaaaavorite for the first two seasons. Who didn’t love your impressions of Jill, your fights with (then) crazy Kelly, your search for prescription drugs to help you get through the child’s birthday party at Alex and Simon’s. But now you’re all on attack mode and I can’t handle it. I hate to be harsh, but….I just unfollowed you on Twitter. Sorry, girlfriend.
  • I know she makes for good tv, but that Ramona is kuh-razy. Is her new haircut an improvement? Sure. Does it distrct from her crazy, black, beady eyes? Nope, not a bit. Ramona is the kind of person who always turns any discussion into an argument and refuses to even to listen to any voice besides her own. (And did anyone else hear her mispronounce "Delilah" as..."Deli...ah?" Hysterical.
  • Also, Ramona’s dancing….well, can it really be considered “dancing”? I may or may not be perfecting my own Ramona impression when no one is around to see. Ah-MAZ-ing.

  • I really enjoy the kids of the housewives. Ally seems like she is somewhat normal and also quite mature for her age. Victoria, the mini-countess, is absolutely gorgeous and I wish I had her eyebrows. And Avery clearly hates both of her parents (which she should), and I can’t wait to see he in a few years when she inevitably goes on a motivational speaking tour and talks to teens about succeeding in life despite the awful condidtions you were raised in.
Tune in, people. It’s a hell of a show.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i especially like when ramona says that bethany was on her like white rice. not like white on rice... just white rice.

btw. i love this compilation blog with steven.