09 June 2010


There is a new favorite song in my home, and it all comes courtesy of one of the best shows on tv: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

I know what you're thinking. A lot of us, myself included, saw the first episode or two of Jimmy Fallon and were less than impressed. But trust me when I tell you to give it another chance. Just watch the clip above: The audience is in Yacht Rock apparel. The Roots are in Yacht Rock apparel....and playing WITH Robbie Dupree. There is a strategically placed awesome dancer right behind Sir Dupree. AND JIMMY'S SINGING BACKUP.

Jimmy is one of the rare people who I feel like absolutely loves his job. He talks to every guest like they're bff. And the skits. Oh, the skits! One of my favorites is Slow Jam the News (and not just because it features frequent appearances by my other NBC crush, Brian Williams):

Other excellent skits:
Head Swap
6-bee (Glee parody)
Thank You Notes (Friday tradition)

As you all know, I watch a lot of tv. Which means you'll appreciate the magnitude of what I'm about to say:

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is on my list of top 5 tv shows. 

And there you have it.

1 comment:

Diane CaƱate said...

It's up there for me too Meggan. As usual, you've nailed it.