08 March 2010

Wednesdays on ABC

If you don’t watch Modern Family, you are really missing out on one gem of a television show. I find myslef saying some of the same things about it that I did about my old friend Arrested Development (you own all three seasons on dvd, right?)—one character will do/say something hilarious [see: Jay being afraid of pigeons--"I don't like them. They're shifty."] and I’ll declare them my favorite character… and then someone ELSE will do something equally as funny [see: Phil and Luke talking about what could be hiding in the crawlspace under the house. Claire showing Alex how to dance. Mitch and Cam freaking out over Lily's first word.] and then THEY’RE my favorite. Every character is my favorite, which makes for an excellent tv show. Trying to list all of my LOL moments from this week would only result in me copying a full transcript from the show.

“You want to be that rock that they can grab a hold of in a stormy sea. Actually, a rock would sink, so a floating rock. Let’s start over. It’s windy, and you’ve got a lot of papers…” 

Right after the glorious 30 minutes of Modern Family is another little treat called Cougar Town. I love Courtney Cox, I love Busy Phillips, and I love cougars. This show isn’t nearly as genius as Modern Family, but it’s silly and a great show to have on in the background when you’re folding laundry or getting ready for bed (yes, it airs at 8:30, plus a 20ish minute dvr buffer so I can skip all of the commercials = just when I’m getting ready to call it quits for the night). 

Sidenote Opinion: Remember when NBC was the "must-see tv" network? Well, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that ABC is the new NBC. Modern Family/Cougar Town are the new Friends/Will and Grace, Lost is the new ER, and the Bachelor is the new Apprentice.

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